Tryzub’s 39th Annual Golf Outing: Another Day of Golf Fun in the Sun
Seventy-eight golfers from no less than five States competed in the Ukrainian American Sport Center Tryzub’s annual golf outing. Notably, six of the golfers were women; five of them competing in the Tryzub tournament for the first time. Limekiln Golf Club again presented the players with tremendous conditions, enhanced by a high blue sky, thin wisps of clouds and brilliant sunshine with warm, delicate breezes.
Team Best Ball Champions: Nick Salata; David Frentz (also low gross individual champion); Steve Nahorniak (also closest to the pin winner); and Mike Gudzy flanked by Golf Committee Chair Joe Homick and Committee member, Alex Woloszczuk.
After golf, everyone gathered at nearby “Tryzubivka” (Ukrainian American Sport Center) in Horsham, Pa. for an awards banquet. Tryzub president, Danylo Nysch, welcomed everyone, thanked them for participating, and reminded them about any number of exciting sporting, cultural and social events at Tryzub. He then turned the program over to Tryzub’s Golf Director, Joe Homick.
Women’s Low Net Champion Lesia Hanas
Longest Drive Champion: Daniel Gavrushenko
Homick thanked his committee members -- Roman Jarymovych, Andrij Zajac, Orest Lesiuk, Bohdan Anniuk, Gene Luciw and Alex Woloschuk – for their hard work and dedication. , He then proceeded, along with Alex Woloszczuk, to announce the winners in yet another boisterous awards ceremony:
Men’s Low Gross Score Champion: David Frantz
Women’s Champions:
1st Place Low Gross: Eugenia (Zhenia) Vukosa (score?)
1st Place Low Net: Lesia Hanas
Men’s Low Net - “A” Flight: Walter Wilczak
Men’s Low Net Champion: Walter Wilczak
Men’s Low Net - “B” Flight: George Tarasiuk
Men’s Low net (B Flight): George Tarasiuk
Longest Drive: Daniel Gavrushenko
Closest to the Pin: Steve Nahorniak
1st Place (Team Best Ball):
Nick Salata; David Frantz; Steve Nahorniak; & Mike Gudzy,
The sponsor for this year’s event was perennial supporter, Fletcher-Nasevich Funeral Home.
Each player received generous and thoughtful door prizes. A popular 50/50 raffle replenished the pool for next year’s tournament with $475.00. The winner of the draw, Tryzub President Dan Nysch, donated his winnings towards enhancing next year’s door prizes.
Next year’s golf tournament will take place in June at a date to be announced. Check Tryzub’s website for additional details and for upcoming events: www.tryzub.org.